This past weekend the Senate met for an emergency session regarding the housing crisis.
A bill sponsored by Democratic Senator Chris Dodd passed 72 to 13 in a rare Saturday session and will most likely be signed into law by George Bush this week. This bill is designed to help homeowners who are committed to risky adjustable rate mortgages that are due to increase to an un-affordable amount. Some 400,000 struggling homeowners could be positively impacted by this measure. It authorizes government backed mortgages for homeowners at risk for foreclosure, provides tax credits to first time home buyers, new property deductions and new standards for brokers and mortgage contracts. This will hopefully slow the foreclosure epidemic down.
The foreclosure rate is now close to 8500 families per day and a projected 1 in every 8 homes will be foreclosed upon within 5 years. The law has also dedicates $4 billion to help communities maintain and redevelop homes that have been foreclosed upon, an affordable housing trust fund and tax exempt bonds to refinance bad mortgages. Also, part of the law will allow for the creation of an agency with a president appointed director. The agency will dedicate unlimited federal funds to help insure the mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
As we skid along the bottom of the real estate market, we'll keep our eye on how things play out. 2008 is turning out to be a very interesting year in the real estate market.
Provincetown News for July 2009
15 years ago