Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!

This week The Closing Table turns 2 years old. In those two years, we covered topics that addressed the real estate market on the outer cape and answered questions from you.

You’ve emailed, stopped me on the street and approached me at social functions in order to ask about your home, condominium and market conditions. Most importantly, you provided feedback regarding this program. Weekly shows have moved many of you to send in a response. I strongly encourage you to do this. No question is silly, no concern unwarranted.

It seems that The Closing Table has established a solid listener base, who tunes in to pick up a tip and check out the real estate activity in Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet and Eastham. At the end of each calendar quarter, I recap the activity in these four towns, a particular listener favorite. 

Every weekday at 1PM, whether at work, in a car or at home you listen. It is to you that I extend a grateful thanks. It makes this seem worth while, knowing that the information broadcast, helps you, whether a homeowner, renter, buyer or seller with your real estate needs in some way.

I ask that you keep listening, keep emailing and feel free to stop me wherever you see me to ask a question or provide feedback. Thanks. 

A special thank you is extended to the underwriters who have continued supporting The Closing Table on WOMR for two years. The law office of David Hallet, Pride Mortgage and The Home Inspector. 

So in closing, Happy Birthday to The Closing Table… I’ll be back next week.

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